Thursday, May 23, 2013

Goals That Make Me Nervous

Seriously making goals makes me nervous because it leaves room for failure. I don't care anymore if I fail I want to try and not be afraid that failing once or eighty times is the end. I want to fail and try again and not feel bad for doing it. So anyway here are some goals and I want them to be public.

1.  Alright this might sound weird but I was reading a book on clutter and he takes about how our lives are too cluttered. And that multitasking isn't a great accomplishment you are basically saying, 'I am so good at giving some of my attention to 2-4 different things at once but the whole 100% of my attention rarely is concentrated on one task. He says to stop multitasking. Now I feel that as a mom this may be impossible but I want to try for one week to not multitask. That means when I am driving in the car I will be only driving. Watching the road and knowing what I'm doing. I will get my work done while Elenor is sleeping so when she is awake I can devote all of my attention to her. So no more multitasking for one week.

2.  This one seems seriously impossible but I will not yell for 1 week. Now some may think this is so easy well you aren't me and you don't have my life so you don't understand for me this would be an amazing thing and I want it more than anything. I was reading a blog post my Mom posted a link to and these woman are just like me they yell out of their own frustration or because they are having a bad day and I don't want my personal issues to reflect in the way I speak to Elenor. I want to always speak with love even when I am being stern with her because what I am talking about is important or she is in trouble or was doing something dangerous. So I will start with a week and then hopefully I'll be able to go to two weeks and so on.

These are my goals this week. So Just to make it kind of a weekend I will try and post my update next Friday May 31st and tell you how I did.


Ross & Amanda Goodman- but mostly Amanda :) said...

I think these are really great goals! I love the yelling one. I have done that in the past and it makes a huge difference. I should go back and try it again. It really is so hard, but it is worth it. Even when I slip up during that time, it shows me what to work on and how to control myself. It is so productive for my personal well being on top of the spirit in our home. Thanks for the inspiration.

Heather said...

Hi Carrie! Great post! Those are all fantastic goals! I was hoping you would be willing to answer a quick question I have about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com