Monday, October 27, 2008

Husband Tag

Suzy said whoever wanted to play...So I'm going to play.

1.What's his name? Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel
2.How long have you been married? Just shy of 5 months
3.How long did you date? 2 months, engaged for an additional 5 months
4.How old is he? 25
5.Who eats more? Depends on what we're eating
6.Who said "I love you" first? He totally did!
7.Who is taller? He is
8.Who sings better? I'm going to go with me here. But when we do karaoke and he gets in 'the zone' He's pretty good.
9.Who is smarter? Depends on the subject
10.Whose temper is worse? Mine
11.Who does the laundry? Well that's supposed to be me but lately I haven't been able to lift the baskets let alone bring them up and down stairs so he's been helping out a lot.
12.Who does the dishes? He does, but I help if they're really bad.
13.Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Right now he does but it switches.
14.Who pays the bills? We pay from both our paychecks, but I've taken over the task of actually logging in and clicking the buttons for auto pay. ;)
15. Who mows the lawn? A service, That's one of the best parts of living in an apartment.
16.Who cooks dinner? We switch off.
17.Who drives when you are together? He does
18.Who is more stubborn? That could be a toss up it depends on the subject.
19.Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Probably Nate, see question 18 and add the fact that he has a huge soft spot for me. I try to never take advantage of that.
20. Whose parents do you see the most? Mine but that's usually because Nate goes to his parents before I get off work. I've told him not to because I like going over there. I'll get him to remember soon enough. ;)
21.Who proposed? He did and it was perfect and everything I asked for.
22.Who has more friends? It depends on if you are talking about close friends or just friends in general.
23.Who has more siblings? Equal. We both have 6 siblings.
24.Who wears the pants in the family? We're pretty equal right now. It's great fun being married.

I tag... anyone who wants to play and Amanda, and Mom (Kitty)


Unknown said...

Carrie...update your blog already! :)

Ross & Amanda Goodman- but mostly Amanda :) said...

I have done this tag twice already. I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you and this tag.