Alright so in all of the hustle and bustle of getting everything situated with the house it has finally hit me; we move in TWO weeks. We need boxes! So if anyone has boxes they don't mind parting with, either momentarily or for the long term, let us know! thanks for your help.
Here's the thing...we're actually in the same boat you are. We move in 2 weeks cause we bought a townhouse in Spanish Fork. I've been stressing about boxes and someone told me something AWESOME! U Haul has a recycling program. You get to borrow used boxes and then once you move, return them to the local U Haul for someone else to come use. How cool is that? Our primary is losing great teachers! the kids will be sad.
I've got boxes for you- but they will come at a price. You must play with me some time this week! I am talking ice cream, manicures, taco bell, and at least one disc of Friends!
That's very exciting for you guys. I also have found something great. My work has a bunch of extra boxes and I get to take as many as I want. So if you need any let me know and I'll bring some home for you.
As long as that disk of Friends can be watched while I pack up my house I am very available to do that. Dinner and ice cream and such can be done prior but I'll need to do laundry and pack clothes whilst we watch.
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